Organizing Tips - hint, hint...start now!

*When you have less clutter to worry about you have more time to pursue the things that bring you the greatest happiness and satisfaction.

The idea of clutter is overwhelming but the sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll achieve your goal. Getting started is truly the most difficult first step. Start now!

*Take baby steps – start with a section of a desk, drawer, desktop, or area of a closet. A small area is easier to handle.

*Keep it simple! Don’t make organizing difficult. Find simple strategies, systems and tools that work for you and use them on a regular basis.

*Pick a project. Each day do a project that will take only 10 or 15 minutes — clean out a junk drawer, file some papers, delete 10 email messages.

*There is no one right way to get organized. There are many different solutions so use the one that works for you and stick with it (you don’t have to change every time a new one comes around).

*The process of organizing helps you figure out what’s important to you. Knowing this can help to simplify your life.

*Appointments: Always call ahead to confirm. Check your planner in the evening, morning and throughout the day.

*Use ONE planner. Whatever works for you – planner, calendar or phone. It’s too difficult managing more than one.

*Make lists and take notes: Who can remember everything to do without writing it down. Keep a small notebook to consolidate all your to-do lists, phone calls, follow up, sticky-notes and thoughts. Use color highlighters to check off when completed.

*What area(s) do you need to get organized?
Life: Time management, mail & paperwork, procrastination, staying on task, completing projects.
Home: Home office, closets & cabinets, garages, other rooms.
Business: Office, filing, paper & computer management.
Make a list and start tackling them today one small step at a time.

*Stop paper before it starts. Open your mail near the recycle container and shredder, and immediately dump all junk mail before it ends up on the counter or table. Go through it each day. Sort, toss, act on or file!

Ongoing – Being organized is an ongoing process
Reality – The reality of being organized is for life
Giving – The art of giving has value when you donate to others
Answers – Listen to your answers in: Is it time to let it go?
Now – Now is the time to start; take small steps and begin today
Interesting – Make it interesting & innovative with color, variety & fun
Zoo – It’s a zoo out there with all that clutter, paper & stuff!
Every – Remember what’s important every day – family & friends